Monday, May 21, 2012

Andy Warhol Pictures

This is my Andy Warhol threshold project. The main tool used on this project was the threshold tool to make the image black and white, then I added color using the paint bucket tool. I like the way the different colors turned out and I think it makes the image pop and look colorful. Overall, I like the result, but if I did it again I think I would choose a simpler image to use.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Photo Series

This is my Rwanda photo series project. For the project I centered around a theme of social injustice, but in the last image I centered it around hope for Rwanda and the future generations of people that live there. I think the photos show the damage that the genocide caused to the people of Rwanda and also gets the message across that governments of other nations should not stand by and let acts like this happen at all. I think the project turned out well, and if I did another project like this in the future I might center it around a more positive theme because some of these images can be sombering.