Monday, January 14, 2013


This is the first of my 2 midterm pictures. For this picture I made an advertisement for Carter Mountain Orchard. I tried to incorporate all of the different activities and things to do at Carter Mountain. I made the food they have a point of emphasis and I used the opacity and eraser tools to edit the images I used for the ad. I think it turned out well because it shows all of the different things to do at the orchard which is what an ad tries to accomplish.

For the second of my 2 pictures I used the splash effect from the tutorials. One adjustment I made from the tutorials is that I chose not to make the splashes black and white because I thought they looked better in the image if they were a different color than just grey. I think it looks better and sort of pops off the picture. I used the filter menu, the window menu, magic wand, the eraser, and the layer menu for this picture. I think it turned out really well and I think it looks cool and advertises the local food well.

1 comment:

  1. thanks, casey. i thought these turned out pretty well.
