Monday, December 10, 2012

Soldier's Cards

These are Christmas/New Year cards I made for the soldiers. I used a lot of the text and brush tool to make different text effects and to add borders to the cards. I think they turned out well and if I did it over again I would try and find a way in Photoshop to be able to make a card layout so it would be able to print easier.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Wheels On Fire- Photoshop Book Project

This is my project I made from the photoshop book. It's a picture of a sportscar on fire. For this project I used the brush tool, layer masks, the transform tool, and many different filters. I didn't include the white road or the sparks that were in the picture done in the photoshop book. I think the picture looked better without them because they didn't seem to fit well with the colors and rest of the image. Overall I thought the image turned out really well and it looked cool in the end. If i did it again I might change the colors in the image to see if that produced a better looking effect.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Trailside Flyer

This is my Trailside Art Show Flyer. I used many different brushes and editing effects to add things into the image like stars. I think it turned out well because it's simple and catches the eye. Overall, I think the project turned out well.

Friday, October 19, 2012

These are my two ads for WAHS events. I made these by trying to keep them simple, meaning that I used only a few colors in each one. Also, I tried to make some cool designs for each of the posters so that it would be appealing to people's eyes and therefore they would remember the events that were advertised. I think these turned out well and I think that they make pretty good advertisements for around the school.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Retro Look

This is my retro look picture. For this image I used threshold to make the pic black and white, then diffuse and unsharp mask. I also used the gradient tool to add the gradient with an orange and blue color blend. The url for the tutorial was :

Pumpkin Glow Photo

This is my glowing pumpkin project from the Napp website. I put the picture of the joker on here by using the layer style and color range tools. I think it turned out really well and looks cool. The url for the tutorial was :

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Watery Sports Picture

For this picture I used two images. The wood background, and a picture of a golfer. I selected just the golfer's body from that picture and placed it on the wood. Then I filled in the golfer with white paint and then I used the bevel and emboss tool to edit the golfer to make it look more like a watery kind of image. I think it turned out cool and looked different. I used the Napp website for this project.

Polygonal Lasso Tool

This is my project that shows how the polygonal lasso tool works. I chose a picture of the NFL player Maurice Jones Drew. I wanted to take out the background, so I used the polygonal lasso tool to outline him, then I used Select > Inverse to select the area of the image besides him, and then I deleted the background.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Burn Tool: Before and After



I used the burn tool in this project to demonstrate the effect this tool can have on an image. I decided to make the person in the image stand out by using the burn tool on the background behind him. The tool darkens the pixels of the part of the image you use it on. I think the tool had a good effect here and it made the part of the image that I wanted stand out.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Jerry Uelsmann

This is my Uelsmann picture where I redid his picture of the interior of a house with a sand floor. For this I got a picture of a house and a beach and then edited out the floor, placed the sand under the furniture, then smoothed out the transition between the furniture and sand by adding shadows with the paintbrush tool. Finally, I made the image grayscale to look more like the original image that was black and white by Uelsmann. I think the image turned out well and was a more modern representation of Uelsmann's original image.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Andy Warhol Pictures

This is my Andy Warhol threshold project. The main tool used on this project was the threshold tool to make the image black and white, then I added color using the paint bucket tool. I like the way the different colors turned out and I think it makes the image pop and look colorful. Overall, I like the result, but if I did it again I think I would choose a simpler image to use.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Photo Series

This is my Rwanda photo series project. For the project I centered around a theme of social injustice, but in the last image I centered it around hope for Rwanda and the future generations of people that live there. I think the photos show the damage that the genocide caused to the people of Rwanda and also gets the message across that governments of other nations should not stand by and let acts like this happen at all. I think the project turned out well, and if I did another project like this in the future I might center it around a more positive theme because some of these images can be sombering.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hotel Rwanda Text Illustration

This is my text illustration for the Hotel Rwanda project. For this image I used the horizontal type mask tool for the word 'courage'. I wanted to make it stand out from the flames. Also I tried to show Paul's face as a sort of caretaker of the Tutsi people during the conflict of Rwanda. I think the image expressed what I wanted it to because it shows how Paul showed courage by sheltering innocent people from the horrible acts of genocide occurring in Rwanda.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hotel Rwanda Movie Poster

This is my movie poster for the social injustice project. For this poster I tried to make Don Cheadle's character appear as a refuge for the Tutsi people from the Hutu militia and the atrocious acts they were committing. I tried to keep the image from getting too busy, but I still wanted to get the message across clearly. I think it turned out well in the end and it advertises the movie well.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Animoto Video

My Animoto Video

This is my Animoto video with 7 of my projects from this year. I added some music to the video as well to improve the slideshow.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hidden Images Project

This is my hidden picture project. For this project I hid five characters from the video game Call of Duty in this snowy landscape. I altered the size and opacity for each of the characters to make them blend in more with the background in accordance with the light and color. I think the project was fun to make and fun to watch when people try to find the soldiers.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Photo Montage

This is my photomontage project. I put many photos of footballs and football players into this image and I tried to fit the pictures to the shape of a football. I think it turned out well because it has the appearance and theme of a football picture because of all the football pictures in it. I think if I did the project again I'd choose a more complex shape to do to try for more of a challenge.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hands Collage

This is my hands collage project. I think the hands look cool with the puzzle-type effect applied. To apply that effect I used the styles panel to select from many different effects to apply to the image. I think the project turned out well because the interlocking hands are symbolic of the school community at Western. I think if I did the project again I'd try a different layout with the hands just to mix it up a bit.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Creative Typography

This is the creative typography Photoshop User tutorial. I like how this turned out because the text has a bright, colorful look to it and is complemented by the beachy background. The overall image creates a feel of being at the beach in my opinion.

Text Shape Photoshop User

For today's class I did a photoshop user tutorial. The tutorial was about text shapes. Using different fonts, I came up with an interesting image. The point of the tutorial was to show that you can create artwork or add on to your artwork by using text shapes. There are many different shapes you can select from. You can change the color of the shapes to whatever you like, and you can also change the shape of the text shapes by using Layer>Type>Convert to Shape. This allows you to alter the shapes of the text shapes. I think this technique is useful and I can use it in some of my works.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


This is my picture I made for the midterm. The picture is a backdrop of the downtown mall with pictures of famous people from Charlottesville. I arranged the people in a chronological order from the oldest to most recent people. I think it turned out well because it puts together a picture of famous residents of Charlottesville, and because of that I think it shows the great achievements of people from Charlottesville ranging from politicians like Thomas Jefferson to hollywood actors like Sissy Spacek and Rob Lowe. If I did the project again I might focus on something more specific rather than an entire history of 250 years of Charlottesville.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

No Hate Poster

This is my groups poster for the No Hate Campaign. I thought this turned out well because it got the message across for the campaign and it is visually pleasing to the viewer. If I did this project again, I wouldn't change much because I believe it delivers a clear message about the No Hate campaign and it comes across as visually pleasing. I thought this picture turned out well.

Color Splash Effect

I altered this image by following guidelines from a tutorial on youtube called "Color Splash Effect". The effect made the boat pop out to the viewer. I used layer masks to achieve this effect. By having the rest of the image black and white, the color of the boat really stands out to me, and I think effects like this could make for a good advertisement for the company. If I did this project again I think I would choose a boat with more colorful sides and designs.


This was the kaleidoscope project that I made. I took an image of a wakeboard boat and followed the steps on the kaleidoscope video on youtube. I think the final product came out well and the water and the boat add a cool effect to the kaleidoscope image. If I did the project again I think I would choose an image with more diverse colors so that the final product would look brighter and more colorful.